VM Detector

Safety first? Automate it with AI.

Vumo’s VM Detector is a groundbreaking AI-powered technology aimed at the safety of your workers. It makes your workplace a safer and happier place by reducing Occupational Health and Safety violations.

Cameras and algorithms for a safer workplace

Workers’ behavior at factories and warehouses can be reckless. It doesn’t have to be that way. With the help of AI you can automatically enforce the proper conduct of the workforce and care for your workers’ safety. Vumo’s AI-powered computer vision system automatically signals any inappropriate behavior in terms of occupational health and safety and enables you to implement effective corrections.


Camera-based system

AI-powered cloud computing

Automated car safety violations detection

Automated car speed violations detection

Automated detection of safety work clothes & equipment violations

Instant notice of severe violations

User-friendly management system



Reduction of violations

Instant monitoring system

Personalized implementation

API integration


Safety violations specified

Site inspection


Camera system design

Hardware installation

System setup and activation

Vumo’s VM Detector is an indispensable device for factories and warehouses that care about the safety and wellbeing of their workers.

AI works here

Vumo’s VM Detector harnesses the power of cutting edge artificial intelligence for Occupational Health and Safety regulations. Custom machine learning algorithms are the basis of a cloud computing platform that monitors – through a system of cameras – workers’ behavior. Vumo’s product automates workplace safety, bringing factory and warehouse owners and administration staff a handy tool to protect workers’ safety.

Schedule a demo

Optimize your operations by improving your workers’ safety. Contact our sales team to inquire about the price and installation of the VM Detector.
